We all feel the remarkable lack of control over the day-to-day, many of us for the first time. Today effortlessly merges with yesterday; washing hands, masking up and measuring two-metre spaces are the new human agenda. My self-therapy is to continually revisit the lenses and landscapes and place, including the ebb and flow of safety, politics, equity, and economy.

Several times in the past few weeks, I’ve been to England’s West Berkshire, Hampshire, and Wiltshire, mixing again rural and urban themes from 2013 and 2017 trips to the Palouse in Eastern Washington State, and last year’s 13 days on the Portuguese Camino. My purpose is to show the contrast of city, village, and countryside, their inhabitants, colors, and contrasts, all muted a bit in these pandemic times.
In the interests of efficiency, I’ve embedded below a link to memories of the 2013 Palouse trip, to add to my entries here on how places of universal qualities endure:
Cultural landscapes, both urban and rural, retain their potential to inspire, and to reflect the historic forces that create them.
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